Monday, December 12, 2011

Back to Business

 So lately I've been struggling with a knitting project I have going on. I've ripped out (started over) 3 times now! I feel like a brand new knitter... So much for getting my projects done early. I've decided to spark my desire to keep on keeping on by visiting my local JoAnn's. Some new circular needles should do the trick. A trip to the craft store always makes me happy.
In other news, by the encouragement of my mom and some other close family members I've decided to add a "little ladies" section to my Etsy shop. Apparently the little ones like to wear cute headbands as well. Or at least their mothers like their girls to wear them. This should be fun.. I'll let you know here as soon as I've made enough product to launch!
Good luck with gearing up for the holidays. It's about to get crazy!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hey there, December

 Can anyone else believe it's already December? I've been working on this Christmas present knitting projects for a couple of weeks now and the inevitable dread has set in that I must knit faster! In 18 days I'll be on a plane to Ohio to celebrate the holidays with family and friends.. That's less than three weeks to complete 4 projects I have assigned to myself. None of which are even half way done.. This may be because as I mentioned in an earlier post that I have true knitter's ADD. Always several projects going at one time.

Other than that things are going well on the felt front. My custom order for an Etsy customer at Elephant Hiccups went splendidly. It was shipped off yesterday. The customer loved the pics I sent her and I'm anxious to hear what she thinks when it arrives. Well, I suppose I should go back to knitting.... 18 days people!!!!!

PS- Love our Christmas tree?? Now our place is cheery and bright!